Monday, 4 November 2019

New tactical voting information

Based on recent constituency polling data and national polling results I've been able to fine tune my tactical voting model. The tactical voting model uses past election data to calculate a score for the relative performance of the Brexit party compared to the Conservative party. A score above 1 implies the brexit party controls a larger share of the Leave vote in that seat, a score below 1 implies the conservative party controls the greater share. It is therefore wise to vote Conservative in seats where tactical voting scores are below 1 and Brexit party where they are above 1.  Note these are not target seats. In a hypothetical scenario where the brexit party gets 10% of the vote and the conservative party gets 5% of the vote, that would result in a tactical voting score of 2 however that, in of itself, does not mean the brexit party has a good chance of winning the seat; Labour might be on 30%. The tactical voting score only gives information about the Conservative/Brexit party choice.

The updated scores are as follows:

Kingston upon Hull north: 1.2
Kingston upon Hull East: 1.1
Knowsley: 1.1
Barnsley East: 1.0 
Liverpool Walton: 1.0 
Blaenau Gwent: 1.0

In these seats I recommend voting brexit party. Everywhere else I recommend voting Conservative.

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